Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Our Friend Tobias Pinguine

Tobias Pinguine: Baxter Bear & Friends
Check us out on Tobias Pinguine's page! So cool to have made such a great instafriend! Who knew that Instagram could link so many like minded critters around the world. What a cheerful place to put our imagination to work and create so many adventures. Tobias' penguins are lucky to travel the world and now our mini Baxter and tiny Jude will be joining in their voyage. 
The day Mr. Buttons arrived!

Mini Bax is trying to find the best travel accommodations for him and Mr. Buttons upcoming trip. Where do you think they should go next? Stay tuned to find out how it could be to visit you!

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1anroy4

We can't catch a break on the weather. Tried to take Mr. B to the #Corcoran Gallery of Art but it started to pour and Jude ran back to the car to keep him from getting wet. That is one spoiled penguin!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Rain rain go away!!!

Today I had big plans for a trip to DC with my buddy Mookies to take Mr Buttons to see some of the monuments and museums but it won't stop raining!!!  I guess he'll just have to wait a week or so. I hope it happens soon. Meanwhile yesterday we braved the rainy weather to see Iwo Jima and Arlington Cemetary. You would think for a group who originated in the ice caps we would be better with cold weather- but this trip ended abruptly by Mr. Buttons requesting some hot tea. And I thought I was domesticated!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Bears, Monkeys and Penguins- oh my!

Today we celebrated in style to welcome Mr. Buttons! What a great time. My good pal Mookies and his brothers came too! It  was also Mookies birthday! ChuckECheese was a blast. Apparently they don't get to many monkey-bear-penguin parties so we got a lot of attention!
Find Mookies at http://www.mookiesworld.com 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Who says penguins can't fly?

Mr. Buttons traveled all the way from Vienna, Austria to Vienna, VA. We took him today to see some Vienna, VA sites. Vienna is a small town about 20 minutes west of Washington, DC USA. We should have worn our coats because it was freezing! 

Mr. Buttons comes to town

We have a house guest who just came in from Austria! Meet Mr. Buttons. . . He is a friend of Tobias Pinguine and he's here for a few weeks.  We have big plans for this guy... but for now he needs to take a load off and watch some Mr. Poppers Penguins with me.

He told me that I should have a blog like him and his buddies. Follow his friends!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Getting my blog on....

(that's me on blogger.com)
There's a first time for everything and this is mine for blogging. I mean I figure who doesn't want to know what I'm up to? This may be harder than it looks!
Follow me on my Instagram at thebaxterbear